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When you’re away – and even when you’re home – the rodents will play!
Rodent infestations can cause all sorts of destruction in your house, from messy droppings to structural damage and more. Unlike your auto policy, rodent damage and removal aren’t covered by most homeowner’s insurance policies. Since infestations and the damage that...
Common heating mistakes to avoid this winter
‘Tis the season for tossing logs into the fireplace or cranking up the furnace. While winter hasn’t officially arrived, it’s close! Heating your home during the winter months can be costly. One of the most relied upon systems in your home is your furnace. Sadly...
Home buying for a future family
There are plenty of elements to consider when making the decision to buy a home, but those considerations shift slightly if a buyer wants to begin a family in the house. After all, parents with young kids have different needs than a single homebuyer. Here are a few...
Twelve driving tips for parents with new teen drivers
Recently, my youngest daughter, McKenna, passed her driver’s test. She absolutely loves her newfound freedom. Sometimes, a bit too much! She isn’t afraid to drive anywhere. I’m constantly reminding her that she’s a new driver and that we need to continue working...
Tips for maintaining, storing, and insuring your collector car
Picture this. You’re driving through town in your 1969 Pontiac Firebird and everyone you pass is stopping and staring as you go by. Now if you want them to be staring because your collector car is in impeccable condition and not because your car squeals every time you...
Prepare your home for winter with this fall home maintenance checklist
For many, the fall season is a busy time of year. High school, college, and professional sports are in full swing. Kids are participating in homecoming festivities and many families are making trips to their local pumpkin farms. These activities don’t leave much time...
Top ways new riders can stay safe
Autumn is a great time of year to enjoy your new motorcycle license. Enjoying the vivid colors and sights of the season helps riders truly appreciate how this experience is simply different from riding inside a car. Unfortunately, that difference can also put new...
Five high-tech ways to reduce fire risk
House fires are something most homeowners live in fear of, but today’s technology can help you ensure the safety of you, your family, and your home. Here are five high-tech ways you can reduce fire risk. 1. Install smart smoke detectors for added efficiency and...
Keep your chimney in shape by having it inspected
As the days get shorter, and the leaves start changing, you may be tempted to light a fire in your wood burning fireplace. While it’s enjoyable to sit and relax by a nice, warm fire, if you haven’t had your chimney inspected or cleaned this year, I would recommend...
When hiring a snow removal service, don’t forget about insurance
After a quiet December, Mother Nature has really created a ruckus in Wisconsin the last several weeks. From significant amounts of snow to extremely cold temperatures, winter’s back! If you’re fed up with shoveling, it may be time to hire a snow removal service for...
Make sure you’re prepared to deal with your icy driveway
Here in Wisconsin, the weather is consistently throwing us for a loop. Anticipating snow and ice is something we all should do. If you’re looking to avoid an icy driveway this winter, or you’re curious about when and how to apply salt, here’s a few tips to get you...
5 tips to keep your pipes from freezing
Extreme cold temperatures put your home or business at risk for frozen pipes. As water freezes, it expands and puts pressure on pipes. When there’s too much pressure on pipes, they burst. Most times, the areas you need to be most concerned about are unheated areas,...
Common winter injuries and tips to avoid them
During the winter months, Mother Nature can stir up a variety of weather conditions. Howling winds, drifting snow, and freezing rain make travel, exercise, and day-to-day living difficult. Unfortunately, more than one million people are injured each year as a result...
Smart home technology for pets
From smart food dispensers and surveillance systems to ingenious toys and crafty crates, tech-savvy pet products are a booming market. Dog-walking robots may not be a reality yet, but we have recommendations for keeping your pets fed, safe, and busy while you’re away....
Protect your family from the dangers of radon gas
For many, buying a home is a dream come true. However, if you’ve been through the process, you know it’s not an easy task. You must figure out how much you can afford, get pre-approved, make an offer, and get a home inspection. If you’ve purchased a new home recently,...
Eleven tips for enjoying the holidays with your family
Holiday traditions often make the holiday season the favorite time of year for many people. Those traditions include: Picking out the perfect Christmas tree; Participating in secret gift exchanges; Baking cookies; and Travelling to visit family. However, this time of...
Insuring your adult children: When do insurance coverage gaps arise?
In today’s society of long-term college careers and high-debt range after graduation, there’s been a drastic increase in the age to which a child attends college or is being financially helped or supported by the parents. Unfortunately, this can create insurance...
E-bikes and Insurance
Do you remember your first bike? I remember mine very vividly. My neighbor and I had matching his and her bikes. I...
4th of July pet safety tips
More cats and dogs go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. While pet parents look forward to the...
Pool safety: four mistakes new pool owners make
Many homeowners dream of having a pool. But when the day finally comes that they move into a new home that has one or...
13 Tips for having a successful garage sale
Whether you’re doing some spring cleaning, decluttering, or moving to a new home, having a garage sale can help you...
Understand insurance coverage for your move
So, you've arranged a moving-in date for your new home; cleared out your junk; organized transfer of your cable, mail,...
Tips for reseeding bare spots in your lawn this spring
Are you disappointed with how your lawn looks this spring? Do you have bare spots? Harsh winters, insects, animals,...
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