Life/Disability Insurance

Life/Disability Insurance

Death and disability are difficult things for a family to address, but insuring against both is an important part of safeguarding a family’s future. Life insurance will protect your estate, your business investments, your loved ones standard of living and your financial obligations, such as a mortgage or student loans.

While most families have some form of life insurance, disability insurance is often overlooked. If one or both spouses become disabled during their working life, not having it can be a critical threat to family solvency. Our agents work with over 20 different life and disability companies to help you determine the right amount of life and disability coverage for your family.

The following is a partial list of the companies we represent:

Allianz Life
Principal Life Insurance
Banner Life (LGA)
Genworth Financial / Genworth Life & Annuity
Protective Life
ING – ReliaStar life Insurance
John Hancock
Lincoln Financial Group
Minnesota Life